About APS
The American Psychosomatic Society is an international organization devoted to biopsychosocial research and integrated clinical care, and to providing a forum via its Annual Meeting and journal, Psychosomatic Medicine, for sharing this research. Its members are from around the world, including specialists from all medical and health-related disciplines, the behavioral sciences, and the social sciences. Membership information is available at the APS Registration Desk.
Meeting Objectives
At the conclusion of this meeting, participants will be able to:
1. Describe the biopsychosocial processes relevant to Psychosomatic Medicine across all levels of analysis, from the molecular level (i.e., cells) to the community level.
2. Understand the role of lifestyle factors and lifestyle interventions on non-communicable diseases such as heart disease and cancer.
3. Learn about the association between inflammatory factors, neurological function, and health.